Sponsor a Horse

We are actively seeking sponsors for the program horses who selflessly give to our special students. We call them program partners because they truly are our partners. They are incredibly intuitive and are often aware of  the needs of their students before the instructors and volunteers.

Ideally, each horse would have two sponsors. One sponsorship to cover feed; the other to cover routine farrier and veterinary care.

It costs approximately $1200 to feed one of our horses for one year including: hay, grain, and supplements. 

It costs approximately $1200 to cover farrier and veterinary care for one horse each year including hoof care every 6-8 weeks, the annual check up, annual dental check and float, and deworming.

You may sponsor a horse for an entire year, or part of a year. We can customize a sponsorship to meet your ideal donation. You choose your favorite horse from our list! 

If you'd care to sponsor a particular part of horse care such as dental, supplement, or veterinary care, please contact the ranch for more information. 

Scroll down to request further information.