Who We Are

Jeremiah’s Crossing is a nonprofit mission ministry. This ministry serves as a therapeutic horseback-riding ranch and is located in Babcock, Wisconsin. The ranch is dedicated to helping horses help children and adults with diagnosed physical, cognitive, emotional, and academic special needs at no cost to the riders or their families.

Jeremiah’s Crossing is God’s ranch. He has provided for many people to be involved, using their gifts and talents to help others. We are volunteers who help with lessons, events, the newsletter, mailings, and every manner of grounds work and building projects. We have considered what we are passionate about and have found a way to share that passion with the Jeremiah's Crossing family.

We hope you will become part of the Jeremiah’s Crossing team.

What is Jeremiah's Crossing?

We are a ministry guided by God - a therapeutic horseback riding ranch dedicated to serving children and adults with special needs.

We are a ministry that supports a group of peoiple who are often marginalized, offering them a unique opportunity to grow to their potential.

We are a ministry that offers a group of people who long to be helpful a place to connect to a community of helpers, encouragers, and nurturers who find community in volunteering.

We are a ministry that believes in helping people become the best that they can be.

We are a ministry that believes God sent us beautiful horses (and a donkey) to partner with us to help the entire Jeremiah's Crossing family - students, families, volunteers, staff, board of directors, and supporters  - have a safe place to be where we all support, nurture, and encourage each other.

It is our vision to become the place to be in Central Wisconsin for people with special needs, and their families.